Disclosure under Regulation 46
- (AB) Brief profile of board of directors
- (B) Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors and their code of conduct
- (C) Composition of various committees of board of directors
- (D) Code of Conduct of Board of directors and senior management personnel
- (E) Policy On Vigil Mechanism
- (F) Policy on criteria of making payments to non-executive directors
- (G) Policy on dealing with related party transactions
- (H) Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries
- (I) Policy on familiarization of independent director
- (J) The email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details
- (K) Contact information of the designated officials
- (N) Details of agreements entered into with the media companies
- (O) Schedule of Presentation by Listed Entity
- (P) New Name and Old name
- (R) Credit Ratings Obtained
- (S) Separate audited financial statements of each subsidiary
- (U) Policy for determination of materiality of events
- (V) Contact details of key managerial personnel
- (Y) Dividend distribution policy